FIRST Tech Challenge
Team Portal
Event Schedule
FTC Events:
Event list coming October 1
- Sep 7: Kickoff!
- Sep 28: Tinkerfest scrimmage
- Oct – Jan — league meets – see PDF Schedule and Volunteer link
- Jan-Feb — League Tournaments
- 1/25/2025 – Lamar/Carver (Mustang HS) & May/Herrington (Muskogee HS) League Tournaments
- 2/1/2025 – Merian/Hadfield (Bridge Creek HS) & DaVinci/Morse (Pryor) League Tournaments
- Feb 14-15 – Oklahoma Regional Qualifier Tournament (aka “State Championship”) – Edmond Santa Fe High School
- April — FIRST Championship (Houston)
Note: teams are ranked based on their top 10 performances and won/loss record, as per Game Manual. Standing carry into the league tournament.
FTC Events (Search “Oklahoma”)
- Live: Twitch.TV FIRSTinOklahoma channel
- Archived: OklahomaFTC Youtube channel
FTC Event Results:
Results can be found on the official FTC Events web page.
Competition Format:
- We will be using a league format this year.
- Each team can attend 3-5 meets (5 matches, no judging). A meet will typically have between 8-14 teams and last about 4 hours (+/- 1 hour). There are no judges at a meet event – just robot matches.
- Standings will be kept in each league. You keep your top 10 scores (out of all matches played across the three meets you can attend). You are not required to attend all meets, but if you attend less than two then you will be putting yourself at a disadvantage in the standings going into the tournament.
- Each team will attend one League Tournament, which will include qualifying matches, playoffs, and judging interviews. Some number of teams will advance to the state championship from each.
2024-25 Registration
Steps to register:
- Follow the Veteran Team Registration / Rookie Team Registration instructions and pay your FIRST Registration fee (IMPORTANT: if you have a grant through FIRST, wait for the grant to be applied to your account before you pay or you will lose the grant)
- You can order the field kit from AndyMark if you so desire
- The Oklahoma registration fee of $250 will be invoice to you in October.

Newsletter Archive
Find the current season newsletters at this link.