
Oklahoma FIRST Tech Challenge News – November 12, 2020 – “More Dates Announced” Edition!

More Competition Dates Added (plus one minor change)

These league tournaments will be held in person, if is possible (and converted to remote if necessary):

  • Feb 20: Muskogee
  • Feb 27: Newcastle
  • Mar 13: Mustang
  • Mar 27: Bishop Kelley (Tulsa)

Any team that does not qualify for the State Tournament at one of those or is unable to compete in person will be able to attend the Last Chance remote Qualifying Tournament:

  • April 5-11: Last Chance Qualifying Tournament (remote)

League Meet 5, originally scheduled for Feb 14-20 will be moved up one week to Feb 7-13 so it doesn’t overlap with the Feb 20 League Tournament.

The state championship is planned for late April, but the exact date and venue have not yet been set.

The dates can be found on the calendar.

Be thinking about which league tournament your team wants to sign up for. More on that next week. 

Sign up for remote league meets

Choose as many as you would like!


Teams will soon be added to events, and you will be able to see the events you registered for on the site.

Competition Questions and Answers

We’ve added a section to the web site that will hopefully answer more of your questions:

The graphic below shows how the season will progress. Each team can play up to 5 league meets and selects one league tournament to attend. 

Registration Deadline (Oklahoma) and Payment

December 31 is the last day to register a team to compete in Oklahoma. 

We will send out invoices in early January for the $150 Oklahoma fee.

Survey Results

Robot situation (as of about Nov. 1):

  • We’ve not been able to meet in person to work on a robot: 26%
  • We have ideas: 61%
  • We have CAD or sketches: 32%
  • We have put together a thing: 40%
  • We have something that can move around the field: 24%
  • We have something that can score: 3%
  • We’ll probably have something that can move and score by the end of November: 40%
  • We’ll probably have something that can move and score by the end of December: 21%
  • We hope to eventually have something that can move and score: 18%
  • Our robot is so good it has achieved sentience and is currently working on a COVID vaccine: 3%
  • Various other answers: 9%

There were about an equal number of teams who preferred the OKC versus Tulsa areas for geographic location of their in-person event. Several teams made comments that they were struggling with meeting in person, waiting on parts and various other issues. If there is anything that Oklahoma FTC can help you with, please reach out!

Reminder – check out the discord server to communicate with other teams!

It’s not been too active, but it should be!  We’ve got teams asking for help with specific things, teams offering help, and teams who are planning events that you could check out!  Sign up at this link:

Oklahoma FIRST Volunteers email list

There is a new mailing list for Oklahoma volunteers! Be sure to sign up so you can find out where help is needed. It’s great for outreach, and this year there will probably be lots of help you can give from your living room!

Send an email to to be added to the mailing list.

October scrimmage event

Thanks to all the teams who tried out the software. Although I don’t think we had any robots actually running, we did have 11 teams who got the scoring software to work and entered at least one score! If you did run a robot and have any photos, please forward those along and we’ll get them to FIRST headquarters.

Mailing list information

Coaches or mentors will be added to this distribution list automatically, but anyone can join – volunteers, competitors, parents, administrators, sponsors, students, etc. are all welcome! They can subscribe by sending an email to:

(sign in with a Google account may be needed). If you cannot get that work for some reason, then please email with the subject “newsletter subscription” and you will be added manually. Please check your spam/junk email folder to make sure it’s not ending up in the wrong location.